Gallery Walls Gallery Walls Purple paintings

Gallery Walls Purple paintings

Set of 2 photos on canvas, 1 framed poster and wallpaper. This gallery wall and polka dot wallpaper with light colours and Very Peri shades is perfect for a trendy decoration of a children's room. Very Peri has been chosen as the trend colour of 2022, so we expect that this colour will often appear in interior designs in the coming years. With a fresh children's room in Very Peri shades, you're in the right place.

Canvas prints

When printing a photo on canvas, the image is printed on a high-quality canvas with a linen structure and a silky gloss finish. Thanks to the superior printing quality, the colors are true to life and the smallest details are reproduced with razor sharpness.

Framed poster

A framed poster features a black wooden frame with glossy float glass and white passe-partout. The posters are printed with the best ink on premium paper of 180 gr/m2. The result is a print of the very highest quality.


With this sturdy, durable non-woven wallpaper you can easily give your room a completely new look. Printed with a state-of-the-art printer, which reproduces the details in pin-sharp detail and makes the colours shine intensely. The washable laminate layer protects the wallpaper against sunlight, moisture, scratches and dirt. This makes the wallpaper perfect for rooms where the walls get dirty easily. Think of the kitchen, bathroom, playroom or entrance hall.


Would you prefer one of the photos in a different size? No problem! Using the blue button, you can easily change the size of each painting.


All wall decorations are shipped in custom reinforced cardboard packaging to ensure they arrive to you in perfect condition.